Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B

Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B
Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B
Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B
Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B

Graphite Pencils - Koh-i-noor pencils - 2B

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Egy kis segítség a választáshoz:

A “B” jelzésű ceruzákat inkább rajzoláshoz, főleg árnyékoláshoz, tónusozáshoz szokták ajánlani, mert puhaságukból adódóan ezeket tudjuk a legkönnyebben felvinni a papírra, viszont könnyen is maszatolódik.

A “HB”-s és az “F” jelzésű ceruzák a legalkalmasabbak íráshoz.

A "H"-s ceruzák már a keményebb kategóriába esnek és minél magasabb szám áll a "H" mellett, annál keményebb. Ezeket főleg műszaki rajzok elkészítésére használják, mert ezek jól kihegyezve nagyon vékony, éles vonalat hagynak a papíron. A “H” jelzésű ceruzák kevésbé kopnak, ritkábban kell hegyezni, és nem is maszatolódnak annyira.

320 Ft
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Pencil length: 175 mm
Pencil diameter: 7 mm hexagonal profile
Lead diameter: 2 mm
Wooden cedar envelope

Graphite base products are a very traditional product of Koh-I-Noor Hardtmuth company, with history dating back to 1790.
The combination of basic raw materials – low-sintering soft clays and pure, modified ground graphite powder and its complex homogenisation creates a mixture for the production of 20 gradations of graphite leads, with the scope of 8B to 10H. Soft gradations are marked with the letter B taken from the word “Black” and hard gradations are marked with the letter H, which comes from the word “Hard”. There are two gradations between these two groups marked HB (HardBlack) and F (Fine).

The method of production is the same for all lengths, diameters and shapes of graphite leads. Under moist conditions, the pre-prepared mixture for the required gradation is formed into leads by stretching, which are then dried. The dried leads are burnt at a temperature of almost 1000°C and then impregnated with a mixture of fat, oil and paraffin.
The produced leads are either used independently or inserted into the appropriate type of versatile holder. The most common form is inserting the leads into wood in the form of pencils with varying types of profiles and shapes.

The mutual denominator and characteristic of these products is the high quality application of the lead on the selected type of paper, with its typical metal sparkle, caused by the basic raw material – graphite. The mineralogical essence of graphite, i.e its lamellar shape, brings an easy way of creating a soft, flowing application, which is most notable with soft gradations B to 8B.

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