Watercolours paint 2,5 ml ROSA Gallery

Stock: 22 db
Watercolours paint 2,5 ml ROSA Gallery

704 Titanium White - Watercolours paint 2,5 ml ROSA Gallery

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Választható színek:
Titanium White / Titanium White (704)
Jadezöld / Jade Green (766)
Sárga okker / Yellow Ochre (719)
Aranyokker / Golden Ochre (772)
Nyers sziena / Raw Siena (721)
Mars barna / Mars Brown (723)
Nyers umbra / Umber (722)
Aureolin / Aureoline (751)
Pirrol piros / Pyrrole Red (775)
Fényes kék / Bright Blue (729)
Madder rózsaszín / Madder Rose (726)
Ezüst / Silver (801)
Fekete szőlő / Black Grape (747)
Karbonfekete / Carbon Black (770)
Madder barna) / Madder Brown (757)
Karbonvörös / Carbon Red (769)
Fényes zöld / Bright Green (739)
Ultramarin / Ultramarine Spectral (777)
Szépia / Sepia (720)
Azo sárga / Azo Yellow (771)
Világoskék / Blue Light (718)
Kadmium citromsárga / Cadmium Lemon (702)
Kadmium narancs / Cadmium Orange Medium (773)
Kadmium középsárga / Cadmiu Yellow Medium (703)
Kadmium világossárga / Cadmium Yellow Light (731)
Arany / Gold (800)
Kadmium sötétsárga / Cadmium Yellow Deep (732)
Tűzvörös / Flame red (734)
Fényes vörös / Bright Red (740)
Kadmium világosvörös / Cadmium Red Light (706)
Kadmiumvörös / Cadmium Red Medium (707)
Kármin / Carmine (708)
Sötét kadmiumvörös / Cadmium Red Deep (774)
Madder vörös / Madder Red (725)
Magenta szürke / Magenta Gray (764)
Indantron szürke / Indanthrene Grey (778)
Smaragd / Emerald Green (712)
Kobaltzöld / Cobalt Green Medium (776)
Aranysárga / Golden Yellow (730)
Aranybarna / Golden Brown (761)
Feketés zöld / Black Green (760)
Kobaltkék / Cobalt Blue (716)
Azurkék / Azure Blue (762)
790 Ft
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Question about the product

ROSA Gallery Fine Art Watercolour Paints are made of organic gumarabic and premium finely ground organic and inorganic pigments.

Our peculiar feature is the development of ROSA Paints in collaboration with professional artists. At early stage key features of paints such as сolour palette, transparency and intensity of each colour, paint consistency and easy brushing are defined. Then several laboratory samples of paint are subject to the expert assessment and testing.

Consequently, taking artists' remarks and preferences into consideration, we refine the colour to start its mass production. ROSA Gallery Fine Art Watercolour Paints are designed and produced in Ukraine. High-quality materials, professional approach and modern specialized equipment ensure ultimate quality of our products.

• Organic and inorganic pigments
• Organic gumarabic
• High lightfastess
• High pigment concentration
• Clear and vibrant colours
• Easy dilution and brushing properties

22 db
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