Safe & child-friendly - The ideal adhesive for all crafts.
Crafting helps children develop and promote their own creativity: The solvent-free and high-quality Pritt glue stick is one of the safest adhesives on the market thanks to its 90% natural ingredients. The adhesive is easy to apply and, thanks to its low water formula, reduces lumps or wrinkles on the paper. Despite its strong adhesive strength, it can be washed out at low temperatures. The glue stick is available in 3 different sizes and whether paper is to be glued into the exercise book, or larger craft projects are coming up at school or at home, children can let their creativity run wild. But not only for children, the glue stick is the ideal choice - also as an addition to office supplies for people of all ages!
Easy to use
Apply the glue smoothly and evenly to the surface (paper/cardboard, etc.). If necessary, reposition surfaces before the adhesive dries
*Includes Water** Less water content, higher efficiency; sticks up to 2x more paper, tested with 160 g/m² paper, analysed by the Fraunhofer IFAM Institute.