Finest professional watercolour combining the finest pure pigments and gum arabic with high lightfast ratings and superb transparency.
148 colour range has 65 single-pigment colours. The other colours combined with gray, green and brown pigments vivid and balanced, perfect for permanent works of art.
The Turner Manufacturer carefully selects resistant to sunlight pigments for Watercolourss, preserving the beautiful colours. Therefore artworks can be stored for a long time without colours fading.
This set includes 24 5ml tubes in the following colours:
- Chinese White
- Ivory Black
- Rose Red
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Pyrrole Red
- Permanent Scarlet
- Naples Yellow
- Permanent Gamboge
- Permanent Yellow
- Permanent Lemon
- Olive Green
- Phthalo Green
- Sap Green
- Hooker's Green
- Turquoise Blue
- Cerulean Blue
- Phthalo Blue
- Ultramarine
- Maya Blue
- Dioxazine Violet
- Yellow Ochre
- Venetian Red
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber