UV marker with mini flashlight
Invisible marker, marking of valuables, for writing secret messages, visible only under UV light.
An invisible marker, marking valuable items such as bicycles, scooters, car parts, mobile phones, laptops, displays, and for writing secret messages, visible only under UV light. Any label written with this marker will not be seen by anyone except you, except under the light from an integrated special mini ultraviolet lamp. By typing a numeric code, signature or name, you can easily prove that the subject is yours. A guide also for the police in searching for stolen goods.

Mark in a place that is still not exposed to sunlight. The radiation of the brand is significantly reduced by exposure to the sun. It lasts only about 1-2 years in the sun.

An amazing helper for marking your own valuables, but it can also be a great toy for both children and adults.

Package contents: 1 pc marker with invisible ink, 1 pc mini ultraviolet flashlight

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